Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Fruit Smoothie's

So I'm eating my first fruit smoothie this morning - this one is a mix of raspberries, strawberries and cranberry juice. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to add a 1/2 banana to sweeten it up a bit - this one is a bit tart (but still tasty)! I made two this morning and brought one into Sean at the office - if you're going to make one, you might as well make two.

Luckily it is cold out - my three (3) km's to work took me a half hour and they barely started melting in the car while driving! These would be very refreshing in the summer - I've got the heat blasting in my office to counteact the cold outside and the cold smoothie!

Another smoothie tomorrow morning and I've reached my goal for the week!

1 comment:

Dr. Melissa West said...

Yay breakfast in a cup! Glad to see you getting some extra fruit into your system first thing in the morning to kick start the day.