Saturday, January 27, 2007

Creating a Balanced Workout

Becky is doing a fantastic job of making it to the gym 3xs a week and is combining weight training and cardio to see some fantastic results! Becky has never worked with a personal trainer since they can be a little pricey. As a result she has not had the privilege of having a weight training program put together for her. One of the things we have discussed is rounding out Becky's weight training program. When we started Becky was doing some weight training on her arms. From there she added some strength training for her legs. I recommended she add some weight lifting for her legs since the legs are the largest muscle group and therefore she could burn more fat even when resting the more muscle she builds. Now we are looking to round out her training even more so that she creates a balanced musculature for her body. Becky has planned to look into training her chest and back as well. This works out perfectly for her three days at the gym since she can do one day of legs, one day of arms and one day of chest and back. This way she gets a really well rounded full body muscle workout.

One of Becky's chores this week as to search out resources that would help her find exercises for her chest in back. I was hoping to be able to post some resources and links from the web, but I haven't come up with anything that I am really happy with yet. Then I went to my local public library and typed "weight training for women" in their serach engine. The search revealed several books that focus specifically on women's weight training. So this can be an extremely accessible and affordable solution for a lot of women. Go ahead, search it out and choose a book that appeals to you. Most of these books have weight training programs that you can follow for a set number of weeks.

So Beck, how's it going? What resources have you come across to help you round out and balance your weight training regime?

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