Becky got married on Friday July 27th and she looked fabulous for her big day, don't you think? Not only did Becky lose weight working with me as a lifestyle coach, but she also instilled some new healthy lifestyle habits. The big one for Becky was starting to eat breakfast. Becky started as somebody who told me that would never happen to a person that couldn't go without breakfast. This small change made a big difference in Becky's weight. Becky also found that through the lifestyle coaching making healthy choices became more of an automatic decision rather than agony. Things like flakies and french fries began to lose their hold on her. Ordering healthier choices at restaurants became a preference rather than a duty. Becky also started to do meal planning and regular grocery shopping so there were healthy food choices right in her house. Not only did Becky lose weight but she gained a lot of skills to keep it off and stay healthy. Congratulations Becky!!!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Congratulations Becky!
Becky got married on Friday July 27th and she looked fabulous for her big day, don't you think? Not only did Becky lose weight working with me as a lifestyle coach, but she also instilled some new healthy lifestyle habits. The big one for Becky was starting to eat breakfast. Becky started as somebody who told me that would never happen to a person that couldn't go without breakfast. This small change made a big difference in Becky's weight. Becky also found that through the lifestyle coaching making healthy choices became more of an automatic decision rather than agony. Things like flakies and french fries began to lose their hold on her. Ordering healthier choices at restaurants became a preference rather than a duty. Becky also started to do meal planning and regular grocery shopping so there were healthy food choices right in her house. Not only did Becky lose weight but she gained a lot of skills to keep it off and stay healthy. Congratulations Becky!!!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Only 4 sleeps left
One struggle this week will be proper meal planning, with all the running around. I literally have no idea where my meals are going to be coming from, as I don't know where I'll be. With the wedding dress in the closet, I'll be sure to watching what goes in my mouth!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Only 11 sleeps left
If one more person asks if I'm stressed, I'm going to hit them over the head with a block of cheese. I don't physically feel stressed, but obviously this weekend with the snacking....there's a little bit there.....BUT, I don't need to be reminded!
I got up walking this morning for 35 minutes with my Mom. Planning on doing this all week and next. I'm e-mailing my coach once per day with my food intake, and have given her full permission to call me and yell at me if there is something she doesn't like!
One week till the dress fitting, I am so excited to see it without beadwork and hemlines all over the place!! The outfit will finally come together....I just have to fit into it (not that I'm worried)!!!
Monday, July 9, 2007
I packed my swim suit in hopes of having a pool at my hotel - I'll find out in about an hour when I leave the office. If not, then I'll be going for a walk, as it's finally stopped raining here in Montreal......
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Flash Forward almost two months....
I am three pounds from my goal of 155, but I have been instructed by the dress shop to not try and actively lose weight. My goal for the next three weeks is going to be to maintain the 158 - as when I am stressed, I will eat. Unlike most brides, I will not lose weight because of stress, I'll have to be watching that it doesn't come back on!
I have continued eating breakfast every morning - but it is hard now with the rest of my meals, as I'm staying at different friends houses now before the wedding, as I gave up my apartment at the end of May. That doesn't make for very balanced meals, and something I have to actively watch and plan for. For example, today Sean (my fiance) brought all the items to make a wrap for both of us for lunch - but instead of making it himself this morning, I'll be preparing them at lunch. But....hey, it's better then heading down the street to Wendy's for lunch!
If the last three pounds does come off, then I will be very happy. But I have to admit that all the compliments that I have been receiving from friends, family and coworkers makes me pretty happy with 158!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Putting things into writing....
This was a bad weekend for nibbling, but I did actually make it to the gym on Saturday and will be going for a run tonight, as I have to work late.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Baseball season begins....
Thursday, May 10, 2007
It doesn't pay to binge....
My binge caused me to go up over 160 pounds again, which irritates me every time I get on the scale. 160 is a big hurdle for me to get over and will be my focus in the next week.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Weekend Binge
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Green Tea & Protein Bars
Monday, April 23, 2007
Tonight is my next spinning class and Wednesday I'm trying a body sculpting class. I'm also getting groceries tonight, with my meal plan in place so I'll know what to cook for the next two weeks.
In addition, I will be adding some working out, at home in the mornings - some push-ups and other exercises to start trimming the "overall" look!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My First Dress Fitting
My dress is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! I told the seamstress that I had five more pounds to loose to my goal. She said I could do that before my June dressing fitting - then none after that!!
I am sooooooo happy!
Another great article:
Admittedly, it doesn’t take much to get my nutritional feathers ruffled.
I’ve seen a lot of things that have made me crazy over the years and
you’ve heard me harp on them—from “healthy” whole wheat donuts to
artificial sweeteners, Olestra and acrylimide. I’ve sang the siren’s song
about good nutrition and what I believe too, to be common sense nutrition.
Why would we drink something, in the name of quenching our thirst, that
looks like toilet bowl cleaner or antifreeze?
Anyway, today I stop singing and start sounding the alarm. We absolutely
must stop the madness that is fast food. We absolutely must stop the
stupidity and the obesity and the rise in degenerative diseases. We are
raising an unhealthy generation because we feed this crap to our kids!
I know there are attempts at some fast food places to do better. As Oprah
says, “When you know better, you do better.” Well, today you are going to
know better about chicken nuggets, because today, I am going to tell you
all I know about them.
First, McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets contain 38 ingredients. Yes, THIRTY
EIGHT ingredients! Some of those ingredients are things you wouldn’t give
to your DOG. Some of those things, you could use to start a fire. Tertiary
butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) is a derivative of petroleum that is spray on the
nugget or in the box that holds the nugget to keep it fresh. It is a form
of butane, also known as lighter fluid. It is also a suspected
carcinogen—cancer causing agent.
The batter is set in shortening (hydrogenated oils) and in turn, it is
cooked in partially hydrogenated oils at the restaurant. Some of the
additives in there are antifoaming agents, emulsifiers, leavening agents,
preservatives, fillers and binders. Sounds yummy, doesn’t it? Something
you’d want to feed your kids?
The nuggets themselves contain 53% chicken. You wanna know what that 53%
chicken is? I promise you it isn’t nice white chicken breasts! If you find
those nuggets spongy and watery it’s because the chicken meat and skin is
ground into a slurry, binders and fillers are added, plus lots of water,
then formed into neat little nuggets.
I don’t know about you, but I’m ILL. Why do we manufacture stuff like this
and then call it food? Where’s the value in it?
Please, for the children’s sake and for your own health’s sake, let’s stop
this craziness with the food. It’s time to get back to basics and only eat
food that is 100% identifiable. If you don’t know exactly what went into
what you’re eating, you’re making a mistake. Our bodies do not need to
contend with more pollution than what is already in our environment.
Friday, April 13, 2007
For the upcoming week....
I have a few goals for this week, and they are as follows:
- try to make it to two spinning classes and once weight training
- buy some jasmine green tea - to try and cut out the pop intake, great idea to make the jasmine green tea, cool it down and then add some honey/lemon to make iced tea
- I'm going to do some more meal planning this weekend - Sean was sick this week and I was travelling, so there is still a lot of groceries to eat up this week
- in anticipation of spring arriving some time soon, I'm going to look into local dog parks this weekend, that we can take Tonka to and let him run around with us off the leash
Only three days until my first dress fitting - let's see if I can drop that last pound before then!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Meal Planning
Know What’s for Dinner! by Leanne Ely, C.N.C.
If you don’t know what’s for dinner today, welcome to the club—it’s a big
one! 90% of America will not know at 4:00 PM today what they will be
serving in just a few hours. Out of that 90%, some will opt for heating up
a frozen pizza or calling the pizza guy for delivery, some will battle the
crowds and snag a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store, others will
choose the drive thru or go out and the last few will try in vain to put
something together with the odds and ends ingredients in their pantries
and fridges. All of these options have STRESS written all over them.
I’m not saying you can’t do any of these things occasionally; it’s just
that when this becomes the way you do dinner, it’s more haphazard, less
nutritious and way more stressful than it needs to be.
The easy button is your pantry and fridge being properly stocked, your
grocery list being filled out and used when you go to the grocery store so
you can keep your pantry and fridge stocked and of course, having a menu
that reflects your week, so you know what days you can cook and what days
you need help (the days you’re schlepping kids to sports, dance, music
lessons, etc.)
Let me define “help”. Help to me comes in the form of my crockpot, a
frozen dinner that I’ve made thawing in the fridge for that night,
leftovers, sandwiches, breakfast for dinner and a last resort, take out or
the pizza guy. The rest of the time, I make dinner and although it rarely
takes me over 30 minutes to make a meal, the other options I just listed
take half that time and really save me on the busiest nights.
It is just as simple as I’ve outlined it. The very first place to start is
with a menu that reflects your needs, a grocery list to reflect the menu
and a trip to the grocery store!
Today is the day you turn from the world of fast food and repent! Become a
convert…a crock pot convert that is. Use this wonderful apparatus
regularly and watch what happens to that face of yours when your kids ask,
“What’s for dinner?” You will smile because you have an answer! Here is a
great crock pot dinner you will love, and so will the rest of your family!
Crock Moroccan Chicken and Veggies
Serves 6
4 skinless chicken thighs, cut into 1 inch cubes
2 (16 ounce) cans garbanzo beans, drained
1 (15 ounce) diced tomatoes
1 small red bell pepper, de-ribbed, seeded, cut into 1 inch squares
1 cup chopped red onion
1/4 cup raisins
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons water
3 cloves garlic, pressed
2 teaspoons instant chicken bouillon
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 tablespoons peanut butter
Hot cooked couscous or brown rice
Place garbanzo beans, tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, raisins, tomato paste,
water, garlic, chicken bouillon and cumin in 5 quart slow cooker. Mix
until well combined.
Place chicken pieces on top of bean mixture. Cover and cook on low heat
setting 6-7 hours, or until chicken is tender.
Before serving, stir in peanut butter. Serve over couscous or brown rice.
Per Serving: 385 Calories; 10g Fat; 27g Protein; 48g Carbohydrate; 9g
Dietary Fiber; 49mg Cholesterol; 670mg Sodium. Exchanges: 2 1/2 Grain
(Starch); 2 1/2
Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable; 1/2 Fruit; 1 Fat.
SERVING SUGGESTIONS: Add a green salad and some whole grain pita bread.
VEGETARIANS: Skip the chicken and add an extra can of garbanzos.
Friday, March 30, 2007
My Wedding Dress is in....
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Free Telecourse: Why diets don't work!
We don't fail diets, they fail us!
Are you frustrated, discouraged and depressed over trying to lose weight? Do you think why bother? Are the emotional and physical deprivations of diets getting you down? Then you need to join us for a lively and informative phone call where we will discuss why diets are an ineffective means of achieving long term health and weight loss. The problem is not personal will power. Diets are unnatural and unrealistic and present health- threatening restrictions that you should know about.
Date: Tuesday April 3rd, 2007
Time: 8:30 p.m. EST
To take charge of your health and your weight e-mail to register for this free phone call.
What's a telecourse?
Instead of having to book a flight, hire a babysitter, find a hotel and schlep through airport security to attend a seminar, you simply dial-in to the teleseminar phone number at the scheduled time. You’ll join your fellow participants and the seminar leader on the phone call. Teleseminars consist of lecture, Q&A, and discussion, all over the phone.
Monday, March 19, 2007
I ate eggs for breakfast
As well, on Saturday afternoon/night, we were going out for St. Patrick's Day and I wasn't sure what kind of food I'd be eating at the pubs - so my goal was to make lunch my biggest meal of the day. I actually baked two pieces of chicken around lunch on Saturday and ate one of them with a very large salad, including some chunks of cheese (notice the protein theme again....). The second piece of chicken is in the fridge at work today and will be put on another big salad, along with a of variety nuts (protein again......)!
Tonight I'm heading out to the bulk store to find hemp seed nuts and then I'm going to pick up some chickpeas - all additional sources of protein. On my next grocery order I'll be adding brown rice to the mix.
Only 5 weeks till my first wedding dress fitting!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
If there is one thing I have difficulty with it is motivating my lifestyle coaching clients to eat a BIG breakfast. Breakfast should be like any other meal of the day and include whole grains, fruits or veggies, and protein. It is intended to break the fast! Eat up! Get that metabolism going!
Pictured here is an idea for breakfast. It is meusli that you could make the night before and grab on the go in the morning.
1 cup organic oats
2 apples
juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tbsp. pure maple syrup
1 cup plain yogurt (replace yogurt with soy milk or yogurt of rice milk for a great vegan option)
2 tbsp. pumpkin seeds
2 tbsp. sunflower seeds
2 tbsp. sliced almonds
1 cup fresh or frozen berries
1. cook up 1 cup of oatmeal according to directions on the package (avoid using the microwave it at all possible!)
2. Toast the nuts and seeds. Cut the apples into bite sized pieces and cover with lemon juice. Mix all ingredients together and cover and place in the fridge to enjoy for breakfast in the morning.
For extra protein, you could have it with a hard boiled egg, boiled the night before as well!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Winter veggies - ugghhhh!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Meal Planning 101
Another goal for the next two weeks is to eat some sort of protein at breakfast - this morning I enjoyed my english muffin with peanut butter and tomorrow morning I'm actually going to boil an egg - yes....I'm going to make an effort and actually cook something for breakfast!
So we had to change the time for our "coaching" calls - due to the travelling, but also having our time scheduled for 4:30 pm (way too much going on at the end of the day), we have now adjusted to a 9:00 am call starting this Friday. I realized this week when we spoke how much I actually missed the calls the previous couple of weeks (both due to my fault) and being able to re-focus/re-group for the coming week.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Back to regular life....
Well the conference is over and I'm back to "normal" life, at least for awhile! Since I've been back last Friday, I've gotten to the gym twice and played ball hockey last night. I'm really feeling focused again on getting below that 160 mark! I wasn't going to give myself a goal to get to 160 - I thought it was too close when I got down to 162.4, but I'm realizing very quickly that it's not going to be easy and that I need to remain focused - with my eye on the prize!!
I weighed myself this morning and.....
Weight: 163.2
Body Fat: 33.0
Water: 48.9 %
Bone Mass: 6.5
I've learned from my coach that my prize must be a non-food item (because previously I would always reward myself with food - my goal before coaching to get to 165 was a Vachon Flakie!!)....... My birthday is in 11 days, and if I can get down below 160 prior to my b-day, then my prize is going to be a manicure/pedicure - I don't get them often, but with the winter months my hands and feet could use them!!
Monday, February 19, 2007
First day out of the province for work....
I'm heading down now to the workout room to the treadmill, as I have an hour before my next meeting!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
When time gets scarce......
A lack of time also means not getting to the gym for my required # of times - something else I am struggling with - it's either get all three visits and ball hockey or just ball hockey, there doesn't seem to be a happy-medium.
One thing I am nervous about is that I feel great just being down five pounds - and I don't want to stall in the weight loss. To reach my goal, I need to lose approximately another 10 pounds!
I also have a challenge next week as I'll be out of the province for work, which means lots of restaurants..... I'm going to have to be very conscientious in what I eat and snack on! We'll have to see if I have a fridge in my hotel room and I can buy some snacks when I get out there. I know at the breaks they typically always have cookies/danishes, etc. for snacks!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Muscles weighs more than fat........right?!
Weight: 163.8
Body Fat: 33.2
Water: 48.7 %
Bone Mass: 6.5
How is it that the week that I actually make it to the gym 3 time's (and have great workouts) + play ball hockey - I gain weight??!!!!! GRRRRRR..........
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
KitKat & Aero "Singles"
I haven't eaten a lot of sweet stuff in the last 3 weeks and was shocked to find how turned off I was by the chocolate bar (although as previously admitted, I am a "salt" lover) - I then proceeded back to my desk to munch on carrot sticks!
Yeah me!!!!
Fruit Smoothie's
Luckily it is cold out - my three (3) km's to work took me a half hour and they barely started melting in the car while driving! These would be very refreshing in the summer - I've got the heat blasting in my office to counteact the cold outside and the cold smoothie!
Another smoothie tomorrow morning and I've reached my goal for the week!
Monday, February 5, 2007
I made it through another weekend
I'd gotten on the scale on Saturday morning (which I am vowing never to do again during the week and to wait until Thursday mornings) and I was up a couple of pounds, which set the tone for the weekend of "while I might as well snack since I'm having a bad week". We also went for lunch at Swiss Chalet on Sunday and I'd enjoyed my usual - quarter chicken with fries/salad, again not with the plan!
One bonus, I did manage to pick up some additional groceries on Sunday afternoon - including veggie/fruit snacks and my frozen fruit (due to the pitiful state of veggies/fruit when the snow flies) for the smoothies. My plan is to do some damage control the next three days, by exercising and being really conscious of what I eat, prior to hitting the scale Thursday morning (you know that whole, getting back on the horse thing.....).
Tonight, we are again going to the gym right after work, but have plans to leave work a bit early so we can work out, then get home early enough in the evening to eat (i.e., not at 9 pm) and of course watch one of our favourite shows - Prison Break!
Tomorrow morning begins the fruit smoothies - I promise, I'll let you know how it goes!!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Eating Fruit in the Winter
Apple Crisp
(Taken from The Healthy Kitchen by Andrew Weil & Rosie Daley – thank you Carolyn Fiset)
12 large apples, peeled, cored, and sliced
1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries
juice of 1 lemon
1/3 cup light-brown sugar, packed
1 tsp. Cinnamon
2 tbsp. whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups old fashioned rolled oats
1/2 cup toasted wheat germ
3/4 tsp. Salt
1 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/3 cup canola oil or grapeseed oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Preheat oven to 375
Toss the sliced apples in a large bowl with the cranberries, lemon juice, 1/3 cup of light brown sugar, 1 tsp. of cinnamon and the whole wheat pastry flour. Pile the apple mixture into an 8x10 baking dish.
Mix together the ingredients fro the topping and spread over the apples. Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake for 40 minutes more until the apples are soft.
How is this part of a nutritious meal?
• Oats, oat bran, and oatmeal contain a specific type of fiber known as beta-glucan. Since 1963, study after study has proven the beneficial effects of this special fiber on cholesterol levels. Studies show that in individuals with high cholesterol (above 220 mg/dl), consuming just 3 grams of soluble oat fiber per day (an amount found in one bowl of oatmeal) typically lowers total cholesterol by 8-23%. This is highly significant since each 1% drop in serum cholesterol translates to a 2% decrease in the risk of developing heart disease. High cholesterol levels correlate with the build up of plaques in blood vessel walls. If these plaques become damaged or simply grow too large, they can rupture, blocking a blood vessel and causing a heart attack, stroke, or blood clots elsewhere in the body. Lowering high cholesterol levels can therefore significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
• Apples contain both insoluble and soluble fiber. One medium (5 ounces) unpeeled apple provides over 3 grams of fiber, more than 10% of the daily fiber intake recommended by experts. Even without its peel, a medium apple provides 2.7 grams of fiber.
• Cranberries have long been valued for their ability to help prevent and treat urinary tract infections. Now, recent studies suggest that this native American berry may also promote gastrointestinal and oral health, prevent the formation of kidney stones, lower LDL and raise HDL (good) cholesterol, aid in recovery from stroke, and even help prevent cancer.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Woo hoo!!!
As of this morning......
Weight: 162.4
Body Fat: 32.9
Water: 48.9 %
Bone Mass: 6.5
Do I feel good!!!!
GREAT ball hockey game last night - we lost, but was I sweating! I've gotten over being sore from playing (the first week was brutal), and now I'm totally pumped when I get off the court!
Tonight, Sean has hockey - so I'm heading to the gym (after dinner) and I'm aiming to spend an hour on the treadmill, all so I can watch Grey's Anatomy! After missing the gym all last week, I'm looking forward to spending some quality time there tonight!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
After that glowing commendation.....
BUT.....a huge positive is that I am wearing pants that I haven't worn in over 8 months. I decided to try them on today as I am actually "feeling" thinner (which is a very nice feeling!) and they actually fit - okay, a little snug, but I could close the zipper & button!
I did some internet research and found the following - yes, they have guys doing the exercises in the photos, but I'm familiar with some of them from previous workouts, and look forward to trying them out:
The Chest Weight Lifting Exercises
#1 Incline Dumbbell Presses
#2 Flat Dumbbell Presses
#3 Incline Dumbbell Flys
The Ab Workout
#1 Crunches
#2 Reverse Crunches
The Back Weight Lifting Exercise
#1 One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
#2 Bent-Over Barbell Rows
#3 Pullups (Cable Pull Downs)
Tomorrow night, I am going to start my routine of rotating through the different parts of my body while working out - one night arms, one night legs and one night chest/back/abs. Hello wedding dress!
I am looking forward to getting on the scale tomorrow morning to see what I way (bet you don't hear that often.......). In the late summer/fall I was tracking my weight when I got my new fancy scale and I was shocked to look back and see I was weighing in between 168 and 174.2!!! I can't believe during the warmest part of the year, I was walking around at that weight - I definitely want to enjoy this summer wearing tank tops and shorts and not feel uncomfortable, or that I have to cover up.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Creating a Balanced Workout
One of Becky's chores this week as to search out resources that would help her find exercises for her chest in back. I was hoping to be able to post some resources and links from the web, but I haven't come up with anything that I am really happy with yet. Then I went to my local public library and typed "weight training for women" in their serach engine. The search revealed several books that focus specifically on women's weight training. So this can be an extremely accessible and affordable solution for a lot of women. Go ahead, search it out and choose a book that appeals to you. Most of these books have weight training programs that you can follow for a set number of weeks.
So Beck, how's it going? What resources have you come across to help you round out and balance your weight training regime?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I'm lovin' the snacks....
I managed to get to the gym twice this week, in addition to my ball hockey game last night (we won!). I'm counting helping Sean's brother move on Sunday as my third workout - as he's in a townhouse condo, with three full flights of stairs to get to the top floor! I went up and down those stairs numerous times (and then some.....).
Still haven't made a smoothie for breakfast in the morning, a goal to strive for this upcoming week. I have been eating something breakfast each day though, whether rye toast or some cereal, minimal effort to get me into the habit of eating breakfast. One day this week, I actually ate my cereal before even showering, as I was wanting it right when I woke up!
As of this morning......
Weight: 165.0
Body Fat: 33.4
Water: 48.6 %
Bone Mass: 6.5
0.1 lb away from a heavenly facial!!!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Long weekend, without an extra day in it!
My one problem, was the three hour break we had between the ceremony and the reception. We ended up going to the mall (we hadn't bought the gift yet!), which ended up with us walking up & down the mall to pass time and right past the food court, where we shared a fries and drink. I will be working extra hard at the gym tonight to burn off those fries! As french fries & potato chips (okay really any potato-type creation) are my fall-back snack food, I got a great idea from my "coach", to still have the fries but to make them from scratch - oven baked with a little seasoning salt. I will definitely be trying this recipe out.
I also went out last week and bought about $20 (on top of my $300 grocery order last week) of alternative snacks - instead of falling-back to the potato chips. I bought rice cakes, bread sticks (low fat ones), melba toast and a nut/raisin mix. I really enjoyed the flavoured rice cakes to snack on over the weekend.
Tomorrow I'm going to try my first fruit smoothie to get me going in the morning. It's a struggle for me to eat breakfast in the morning, as I used to work out in the field, and would have really early mornings and was too lazy to make breakfast, which has become a habit.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Big pat on the back for Becky!!!
Becky has experienced many successes this week. She continues to limit herself to 1 diet coke per day. This seems to be keeping her happy without depriving her of her favourite indulgence. Another success to report is making it to her planned 3xs/week at the gym + the aforementioned sweaty ball hockey. Great physical exercise is surely contributing to her weight loss. She also managed to make the switch to eating dinner before the gym without too much pain. All these things are contributing to Becky's forward progress.
We discussed some of Becky's upcoming challenges this week. Becky mentioned that she anticipated craving potato chips and french fries this week. We planned to have some healthy alternatives on hand so that she could avoid indulging herself in a family size bag of potato chips.
Another challenge that Becky is experiencing is eating a good sized breakfast. Currently she grabs a few raisins or a piece of fruit on the go. Considering breakfast is the most important meal of the day and sets the tempo for the metabolism for the rest of the day I have encouraged Becky to increase her calorie intake at breakfast. Becky has committed to having a fruit smoothie in the mornings as a way of starting to eat more breakfast. Still, Becky is doing a good job at getting something into her system first thing in the mornings and she needs to be credited for that. When I first started encouraging my hubby to eat breakfast he started with a donut and a coffee. I was just happy he was getting into the habit of eating something, anything in the morning. Baby steps. Now he sits down to museli bread and a boiled egg most mornings!
One thing to consider when setting a weight loss goal is how to reward your successes. Don't want to do that with a big old slice of chocolate cake. Becky has decided to reward herself with a facial once her scale shows her that magical number below 165.
I'm looking forward to Becky posting about her fabulous facial! Aren't you?
I got a compliment!
I cheated last night.....
Then......we headed to St. Louis Bar & Grill, our sponsor for the team and proceeded to have a beer (then drank half a jug of water), wings and some french fries - all to celebrate our.....loss (by one goal)! Why do this the night before you're going to weigh yourself you may ask (and what I was asking myself as I kept dipping the fries in ketchup and putting them in my mouth)!?!
I really have no answer.
As of this morning......
Weight: 166.6
Body Fat: 33.3
Water: 48.6
% Bone Mass: 6.5
I'm drinking a lot more water, and I still can't get the water # to increase. I feel like I'm floating away sometimes, and I can't imagine how much water would be required to get that number to move.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
My stomach is grumbling!
Last night, Sean and I did a "test-trial" of eating first and then going to the gym together. Sean's exact word's were "it wasn't that bad actually", which means he'll join me again in reformatting our exercise time! Otherwise he would have had some lonely dinners left on the table for him, as I made dinner first and then went to the gym by myself!
Waiting two more days to check if I've lost any weight (fingers crossed), and will also report on water % bone mass and body fat - I have one of those fancy scales! I can't believe how much I am craving water. I am limiting myself to one diet coke per day (previously I would sometimes go the entire day and realize I had only had diet coke and no water)!
P.S. I hate that photo - seriously, I'm never wearing horizontal stripes again. For anyone that happens to read this, I don't usually look like that. We started a "wall of fame" at work so new employees could check out the board and match names to faces, and this was a test photo to see how far they had to be from each person to get the same size photos - it shouldn't have made the board, but it's a source of inspiration!
Monday, January 15, 2007
The "BEFORE" picture
Sunday, January 14, 2007
It's really easy to make "weight goals" for upcoming events (i.e., company christmas party, other people's weddings that I'm attending, etc.) and then break them without another thought when I don't reach my "goal weight" and just wear the "fat" dress in the back of the closet. BUT, this time it's my wedding and that is once in a lifetime!
Since our coaching call last week, I've gone to the gym twice and really enjoyed both visits - there is definitely a renewed vigour and interest in working out! Once more this week to reach my goal.
I blew an extra $100 at the grocery store and filled the fridge with fruits (the ones I actually like) and veggies (which I love raw!). I've bought groceries to makes meals, before we go to the gym. I tried eating first and then going to the gym on Friday night and I really enoyed it - that way I wasn't eating at 9 pm at night.
Shower was somewhat of a success, I ate veggies from the veggie tray I bought, and a few other things on the table (small piece of lasagna, egg salad sandwich and a few meatballs) - I didn't have dessert and drank water!
Tomorrow I'll be back to work and on a regular eating schedule, weekends can be tough and I'm glad the first one is done on my journey to looking AMAZING, improving my health and enjoying life with my new husband!
Becky starts nutrition and lifestyle coaching
Last Thursday we discussed Becky's goals and the challenges she faces in achieving those goals. Becky has decided to combine efforts in the arenas of diet and exercise to lose the extra weight.
Current Weight: 168.6
Weekly Exercise Goal: Hit the gym 3x's this week. Try to round out cardio with a full body weight training program, as Becky was just working out her arms up to this point.
Challenge: Eating dinner before hitting the gym to avoid eating late at night.
Solution: Becky decided to take time over the weekend to meal plan and grocery shop so that she would have good meals ready to go on week nights.
Challenge: Trying to stick to healthy eating when at parties.
Solution: Becky decided to take a raw veggie tray with her to a baby shower that she was attending this weekend. She also decided to eat before she went so that she wouldn't snack on unhealthy food.